3 Laborless Salads that Leave You with Free Time for Your Labor Day Festivities!

3 Laborless Salads that Leave You with Free Time for Your Labor Day Festivities!

Want three new quick and delicious salad ideas? Here are three that are undeniably EASY. The secret to making it quick is using very few, but quality organic ingredients to let the flavor of local and seasonal vegetables shine through!

I love this time of year. It's still warm and sunny without the humidity, but I'm savoring what I know, are the last bastions of summer. The farm stands are over flowing with so many colorful vegetables. The bright local and seasonal produce easily led to these salads for my labor day family barbecue. Here are the three super easy, super fresh and delicious salads that I made yesterday to share with you for your labor day, or any day, without the labor!

So by the way, what’s the big deal with heirloom vegetables?
Heirloom seeds are "pure bred" seeds unlike the seeds of hybridized plants. Heirloom produce is more flavorful, sweet, nutritious, and colorful. Not only do these original seeds cost less that hybrid seeds, but they are not genetically engineered, and you can save your own seeds from year to year. That’s the deal.

Heirloom Tomato & Watermelon Salad

Mise en Place of Heirloom Tomatoes and Watermelon

Mise en Place of Heirloom Tomatoes and Watermelon

Heirloom Tomato and Watermelon Salad

Heirloom Tomato and Watermelon Salad


1 red, yellow & orange heirloom tomatoes, each
1 C watermelon, cubed
Juice of 1/2 lime
2 Tbs minced fresh basil
Salt  & pepper


  1. Cut tomatoes in wedges, and then in half again.

  2. Add cubed watermelon. 

  3. squeeze lime juice on top.

  4. Toss gently with fresh basil.

  5. Season with salt & pepper and serve.

Organic Sweet Corn & Avocado Salad

Mise en Place of Corn and Avocado

Mise en Place of Corn and Avocado

Organic Sweet Corn and Avocado Salad

Organic Sweet Corn and Avocado Salad


2 ears of organic corn
1 avocado, cubed
Juice of 1 lime
1 Tbs olive oil
2 Tbs. minced fresh mint leaves


  1. Cut corn kernals off the cob.

  2. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and squeeze lime on top.

  3. Drizzle with olive oil and serve.

Heirloom Cauliflower Rice & Pea Salad

Mise en Place of Heirloom Cauliflower and Peas

Mise en Place of Heirloom Cauliflower and Peas

Heirloom Cauliflower Rice and Pea Salad

Heirloom Cauliflower Rice and Pea Salad


1/2 head heirloom cauliflower, can mix two or three different color cauliflowers for a confetti effect.
1 C peas, fresh or frozen
5 sundried tomaotes, chopped
2 Tbs hemp seeds
1/2 lemon
1/2 lime
1 tsp. turmeric
2 tsp dried italian herbs
Large pinch salt & pepper
2 Tbs. coconut oil, melted
1 drizzle white truffle oil


  1. In a food processor, blend the cauliflower until it's the size of rice.

  2. In a large bowl add riced cauliflower, peas, hemp seeds and chopped sundried tomatoes.

  3. Add lemon & lime juice, coconut oil, spices, turmeric, salt and pepper to taste.

  4. Drizle with white truffle oil over the top

  5. Taste and season to your preference and serve.

PS: For more recipes like these sign up for my blog and check out my recipe and nutrition guide eBooks on my shop page!

Happy Labor Day and thanks for joining the Rawception!  

xx nk